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‘The Making of the Constitution for ‘The Federated States of Europe’ is a downloadable book from the Federal Alliance of European Federalists (FAEF) that faces the task of throwing away the undemocratic and ineffective EU-treaties and presenting the Citizens of Europe with a democratic and effective federal Constitution.
It could be a milestone for the future of Europe.



The Hague, May 19th 2022


And again, Europe has landed at a decisive turning point. More than 75 years after WWII, the initial calm, resulting from cooperation within the European Union, is giving way to growing unrest. Its legal basis, a system of treaties between de EU-members, no longer works. That’s why Europe faces the task of throwing away the undemocratic and ineffective EU-treaties and presenting the Citizens of Europe with a democratic and effective federal Constitution.

‘The Making of the Constitution for ‘The Federated States of Europe’ from the Federal Alliance of European Federalists (FAEF), shows how European citizens and politicians can deal with the problems that the EU now is facing.

This downloadable book takes a bold stand: replacing all treaties by a constitution is needed to save Europe from being ungovernable in the nearby future. Member states already oppose each other on issues such as the rule of law, financial and economic policy, climate, energy supply, defence and foreign policy, migrations and refugees, healthcare. Conflicts on the question ‘Who is the boss in the EU?’ make some member states even threaten to follow the UK’s example of leaving the EU. The war in Ukraine allows the EU to hide its internal divisions behind a facade of artificial unity. When that war is over, that unity will probably disappear and the EU will face new financial-economic conflicts. It is conceivable that the EU could become an administrative vacuum, the perfect ground for the growth and consolidation of autocracies.

The book condemns the fact that EU politicians, in approaching these threats, deal with only one proposal: reworking the current treaties. They do not question the EU’s constitutional and institutional structure as the main cause of EU’s problems. Only a democratic federal constitution offers the solution to EU’s identity-crisis, is argued in this book. To make it easy for the EU’s citizens and politicians, FAEF offers – as a result of FAEF’s Citizens’ Convention – a concrete federal constitution, consisting of a preamble, ten articles and an explanatory memorandum. This material is further supported by a series of in-depth studies.

Title: ‘The Making of the Constitution for ‘The Federated States of Europe’
Editor: Leo Klinkers, PhD, President of the Federal Alliance of European Federalists

See the petition here: Petition

For questions please contact the press officer of the FAEF: Mauro Casarotto, Secretary General FAEF,

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Stephen Watt

    A cursory reading of the downloadable book would indicate a glaring omission which is common to most international organisations – there is no mechanism to deal with a member state which elects a government which is fundamentally opposed to the principles of the Federation and acts accordingly. There is no procedure whereby such a state leaves the Federation voluntarily, or can be ejected.

  2. Leo Klinkers

    Dear Stephen,
    Article VII, Section 3, Clause 4 deals with the procedure of voluntarily leaving the Federation. Section 4, Clause 2 deals indirectly with involuntarily expelling a member state. If there is a need for an explicit procedure in the Constitution on expelling a member state it will be made clear by an amendment to this draft Constitution during the process of its ratification by the people.
    Leo Klinkers, President FAEF

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