A man with great ideals never dies

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The entire editorial staff of Europe Today is deeply saddened and heartbroken to learn of and share with you the news of the death of our friend and colleague Lorenzo Sparviero who passed away unexpectedly yesterday, in his home city, Milan. He was 76.

Lorenzo was a great federalist, convinced of the need to endow Europe with a federal constitution that would finally unite our continent. His tireless commitment and faith in the ultimate objective have set an example of tenacity, resilience and audacity to many, including many young and very young Europeans.

Born in 1944 in Milan, Lorenzo Sparviero was employed by the Montedison group – the main Italian chemical industry – in the field of the human resources development and, from 1985, in European Public Affairs and Chemical Associations.

This position led Lorenzo to live for some years in Brussels in close contact with the European institutions of which he gained great experience and understanding.
In 2016, the year of the Brexit referendum, understanding the gravity of the moment, he co-founded one of the pan-European movements U.S.E. Now! (United States of Europe Now), which later became Stand up for Europe, of which Lorenzo was a board member.
In 2018 he was co-founder of F.A.E.F. (Federal Alliance of European Federalists) where he has been, not simply a board member, but the backbone of the movement.

This is an immense loss for the European federalist movement. We feel the best way to remember and honour Lorenzo will certainly be to pursue, together, the final objective for which Lorenzo dedicated the last years of his life: A truly federal and United Europe.

We also ask you to again read the last article written by Lorenzo and published on Europe Today last September entitled ‘An open letter to my young federalist friends’.

This is more than a letter, Lorenzo’s desire for a federal Europe is his legacy.


Francesco Paolo Sgarlata – Editorial Director Europe Today
Mauro Casarotto – General Manager Europe Today

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Stuart Clark

    A great tribute and a love photo. We are all in shock today. I found Lorenzo’s determination inspiring, his dedication an example, and his friendliness infectious, and the reason we’ve all become such good friends in this movement. I’m just sad we have not yet been able to get closer to his goal. Yet.

  2. Leo Klinkers

    Lorenzo coined the slogan ‘federating the federalists’. The one and only slogan that counts in the struggle for uniting Europe into a federal state.

  3. Peter Hovens

    I have experienced Lorenzo as a wise and social person. As the creator of the slogan ‘federating the federalists’ he built the foundation for FAEF. We will miss him very much.

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